You can download here a template for creating the brief.
We need a brief in order to give you an estimated cost for your project. Find on the link above a helpful document for designing the brief, and below you can read a short description of each request:
We need a brief in order to give you an estimated cost for your project. Find on the link above a helpful document for designing the brief, and below you can read a short description of each request:
Where does animation fit into your overall communication plan? What do you want people to do / think / feel after watching the animation?
Where does animation fit into your overall communication plan? What do you want people to do / think / feel after watching the animation?
Who is the animation / film for? A professional audience with in-depth knowledge will require a different approach than something aimed at the general public.
Who is the animation / film for? A professional audience with in-depth knowledge will require a different approach than something aimed at the general public.
Warm and friendly? Funny? Professional? Based on the above, consider what kind of tone would be appropriate.
Warm and friendly? Funny? Professional? Based on the above, consider what kind of tone would be appropriate.
What style of animation do you like and what don't you like? What style will suit your overall goal (and budget)?
Of course, we can discuss and advise on this topic.
What style of animation do you like and what don't you like? What style will suit your overall goal (and budget)?
Of course, we can discuss and advise on this topic.
The answer here is as short as possible to convey your message, but usually does not exceed 2 minutes. If you need more than 2 minutes to send your message, you should consider splitting your content into multiple videos (to keep the audience's attention). A useful guide for determining the duration is the script (script), because although each voice-over broadcast will vary, they will deliver an average of 75 words every 30 seconds. For a built-in voice-free animation that uses text only, this is reduced to about 45 words for every 30 seconds for an intelligible message. We will make the script to be timed correctly and designed for animation.
The answer here is as short as possible to convey your message, but usually does not exceed 2 minutes. If you need more than 2 minutes to send your message, you should consider splitting your content into multiple videos (to keep the audience's attention). A useful guide for determining the duration is the script (script), because although each voice-over broadcast will vary, they will deliver an average of 75 words every 30 seconds. For a built-in voice-free animation that uses text only, this is reduced to about 45 words for every 30 seconds for an intelligible message. We will make the script to be timed correctly and designed for animation.
Male or female or voiceless? If you do not have a specific idea, do not worry, because we have a group of artists whose voice samples you can listen to to choose.
Send this brief to to receive an estimated cost of your project.
Aici puteti downloada un template pentru crearea brief-ului.
Pentru a va putea da un cost estimativ avem nevoie de un brief. Gasiti pe link-ul de mai sus un document ajutator pentru conceperea brief-ului, iar mai jos am facut o scurta descriere, pentru a fi clar la ce se refera fiecare solicitare:
Unde si incadreaza animatia in planul dvs. general de comunicare? Ce doriti sa faca / sa gandeasca / sa simta oamenii dupa ce au urmarit animatia?
Cui se adreseaza animatia / filmul? Un public profesionist cu cunostinte aprofundate va necesita o abordare diferita de ceva care vizeaza publicul larg.
Calduros si prietenos? Amuzant? Profesional? Pe baza celor de mai sus, ia in considerare ce fel de ton ar fi potrivit.
Ce stil de animatii va place si ce nu va place ? Ce stil se va potrivi cu obiectivul dvs. general (si cu bugetul dvs.)?
Desigur, putem sa discutam si ne sfatuim pe acest subiect.
Raspunsul aici este cat mai scurt posibil pentru a va transmite mesajul, dar de obicei nu depaseste 2 minute. Daca aveti nevoie de mai mult de 2 minute pentru a va transmite mesajul, ar trebui sa luati în considerare impartirea continutului dvs. in mai multe videoclipuri (pentru a pastra atentia publicului)
Un ghid util pentru determinarea duratei este scriptul (scenariul), intrucat, desi fiecare difuzare de tip voice-over va varia, acestea vor livra în medie 75 de cuvinte pe fiecare 30 de secunde. Pentru o animatie fara voce incorporata care utilizeaza doar text, aceasta se reduce la aproximativ 45 de cuvinte pentru fiecare 30 de secunde pentru un mesaj inteligibil. Scenariul il vom face noi pentru a fi temporizat corect si gandit pentru animatie.
Un ghid util pentru determinarea duratei este scriptul (scenariul), intrucat, desi fiecare difuzare de tip voice-over va varia, acestea vor livra în medie 75 de cuvinte pe fiecare 30 de secunde. Pentru o animatie fara voce incorporata care utilizeaza doar text, aceasta se reduce la aproximativ 45 de cuvinte pentru fiecare 30 de secunde pentru un mesaj inteligibil. Scenariul il vom face noi pentru a fi temporizat corect si gandit pentru animatie.
Barbat sau femeie sau fara voce? Daca nu aveti o idee anume, nu va faceti griji, deoarece avem un grup de artisti ale caror mostre de voce le puteti asculta pentru a alege.
Trimiteti acest brief la pentru a primi un cost estimativ al proiectului dvs.